Author : Serdar SÜDOR
Type : Derleme
Printing Year : Aralık 2022
Doi Number :
Number : 15
Term : 7. Cilt Kasım/Aralık Kış Dönemi
Date : 2022-09-28 09:30:49


Abstract With each new technological development, the meaning attributed to works of art, the role of the viewer and the stages that the artist will follow have changed. After the invention of the camera, rather than the size and technical operation, the feeling and interpretation of the work on the viewer gained weight, as in the example of the progress of digital photography and the changes in the methods of storing, processing and presenting the works. With the shift of the ways followed while creating works of art to digital has also led to the formation of new methods in subjects such as exhibition, sale and copyright. Digital artworks are presented to the audience with different possibilities during the production and presentation stages in parallel with the technological advances of our age. Whether it is virtual galleries or various digital art sharing platforms, the general aim is to bring digital visual art works to the audience. Whether it is virtual galleries or various digital art sharing platforms, the general purpose is to bring digital visual art works together with the audience. Concepts such as the originality of a work or which artist it belongs to in an environment with endless access, such as the Internet, have remained in doubt for many years. With the popularization of Blockchain and NFT systems recently, it seems that a new and reliable solution has been offered for digital artists. Although the NFT system, which offers the expected opportunities for years in the presentation of digital works, giving ownership to the artist and even selling them, seems to be a reliable and reliable bridge between digital artists and the audience who want to buy the works of artists, there are various deficits and points to be considered as in every system. The digital data reliability created by the use of the general election token design is generally preferred to apply the general designs and the target in the general designs and areas within the scope of use.

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