Yazar : Ayşe ÖZTÜRK
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Aralık 2019
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.95
Sayı : 9
Dönem : 4.Cilt Kasım/Aralık Güz Dönemi
Tarih : 2018-12-10 22:27:26


Cognitive flexibility is the effect of internal and external stimuli on individual behaviors and the moving of the emotions and thoughts.The personality structure shaped by environmental stimuli forms the basis of individual life success. The perception, problem solving, adaptation to environmental changes and development of creative abilities of individuals with high cognitive flexibility can be gained through education. The characteristics of harmonious behavior in individuals are linked to positive perception and thinking, individual confidence and competence, and level of cognitive flexibility. The flexible individual who is open to change and development shows adaptation and communication skills in the face of events. Individuals can strengthen their sense of self- sufficiency and environmental ties, provide control over difficulties, and regulate their behavior against internal and external stimuli. In the visual arts education of Primary School students, by strengthening their ability to see, perceive, experiment, discuss art products, relate to symbols and tools, reinterpret and shape, the results of cognitive resilience theory can be reached. Art education is important in shaping the individual’s perception, goal, social environment and behavior, and in making them aware of their choices. Starting from the pre-school education, versatile thinking, alternative solutions to problems, constructive and creative work that supports the aim of the stages of artistic development, should contribute to the development of cognitive flexibility. The fact that individuals with high levels of cognitive resilience are more successful in life through the use of cognitive processing and strategy, the function of adapting to new emerging conditions, requires the use of cognitive resilience theory in education. In this study, the application of cognitive resilience theory in artistic learning, thinking and artistic development processes in primary school students and the necessity of taking part in educational programs were evaluated. Keywords: Development of Cognitive Flexibility, Visual Arts Education, Artistic Development, Creative Learning in Arts, Art Education in Primary Education.


Development of Cognitive Flexibility, Visual Arts Education, Artistic Development, Creative Learning in Arts, Art Education in Primary Education.
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