Yazar : Azize Reva BOYNUKALIN - Gülşen Şefika BERBER
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Aralık 2021
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.169
Sayı : 13
Dönem : 6.Cilt Kasım/Aralık Kış Dönemi
Tarih : 2021-10-27 13:56:07


Its history dates back to the beginning of humanity; fabric that meets instinctive emotional states such as protection, covering continued its existence by filling the body and vital areas over time. In addition to this physical mission, fabric has also been used as a means of expression from ancient times to today's art. In this study, the semantic transformations of the fabric in the art historical process were examined. The stylistic differences of the fabric in the works of art were emphasized, and the semantic and intellectual contributions of the fabric in the works of art were examined. In the research, a literature review was made using the qualitative research method, and in the first stage of data collection, the visual and imaginary representations of the fabric from ancient times to the present were tried to be explained. The metaphors and analyzes conveyed by the fabric are explained through the sample works that deal with the fabric as an object of representation. In the research, especially the relationship of fabric with the concepts of naturalism, sanctity, purity and sublimity in the Early Renaissance period was mentioned. With the expansion of the possibilities of expression in modern art, the transformation of the fabric into an object of expression that appeals to the senses and in the process, changing new expression possibilities and representations of the fabric have been researched until today. This study aims to present a different perspective to fabric images in the art historical process.


Fabric, Representational, Renaissance, Modernism, Postmodernism
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