Yazar : Sıla Güven
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2017
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.2.24
Sayı : 2
Tarih : 2017-02-27 07:55:29
After II World War, artists are entered new period; they put forward their interests from traditional to different cultures as an experimentation of use the material on canvas surface. The productions of Anselm Kiefer’s artworks make us understand today’s art in context of sociology and experimentation. The aim of the artist is analyzing the history of his own culture via chosen materials. The concept of empiricism in Kiefer’s works has a relation to the Holocaust and history. His description of reality shows complexity of the Modern Art’s practices. Therefore, his works are valuable to understand the modern art.
This article is looking deeply, Anselm Kiefer’s criticism to politics and his culture with using natural materials to give a new identity in his artworks. The difference between textures presents cultural diversities and contribution in the aesthetic of the twenty-first centuries. Anselm Kiefer expended his works into ideological, spiritual, and psychological researches. The aim is investigating Kiefer’s arts in relation to the German History mythology, especially holocaust and his technique. As a result, in his artworks we meet materials such as soil, ash, dust and plant like the memory of history. This paper is demonstrating his historical theme’s choices, comparison between materials and his working methods.
His pieces surface’s made by acrylic, oil color and natural elements. This act creates a communication between artist and art, which made it. He uses materials with superposition and experimental techniques as an attitude. Article is creating a bond on his works from history timeline to his materials and technics. He try to create socially a consciousness, investigation and memorable with his practice. The artist is most known for his subject matter dealing with German history and myth, particularly as it relates to the Holocaust. These works forced his contemporaries to deal with Germany's past in an era when acknowledgment of Nazism was taboo.
Art, nature, paintings, sand, culture, identity