Yazar : Hilmi Güney
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2017
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.2.16
Sayı : 2
Tarih : 2017-05-25 16:43:01


Conducting classic archeologic analysis and dating, in other words, age determination which is a basic practice for artifacts uncovered in archeological excavations is a necessity in archeology. Excavated artifacts are analyzed by using various methods such as Potassium Argon, Radiocarbon and Thermo-luminescence Methods, Spectrographic Analysis, Archaeomagnetism and Dendrochronology. In recent years, these traditional methods are being improved by correlating them with analysis methods of geoarcheology and archaeogemology with the aid of technological developments. In archeology, the analyses and methods of these two disciplines is an inevitable necessity. Geoarcheological studies and archeological data are interpreted with the help of mineralogical and geologic data. While geological and ground surveys methods are used in traditional geo-archeology, today, micrographic studies and micro-facies analyses are gaining an increasing importance. In this context, geoarcheology consists of certain archeometric analyses based on identification of geological soil conditions of the excavation site, as well as comparing the artifacts excavated from the site to the rocks that forms the geologic land structure of the relevant region. According to the researches, these methods of analyses are conducted by different tools with various methods. Among of the most significant methods are RP-HPLC-DAD Analysis which is a Colorant and Pigment Analysis method, and SEM-EDX Structure, Pigment and Elemental Analysis. In addition to these, Technical Analysis with Optic Microscope, and Colorimetry with CIELAB Spectroscopy are other methods employed in the field. Archaeogemology on the other hand, is an increasingly significant discipline as a sub-field of archaeominerology. It is critical in identifying antic ornamental stone items and jewelry found in archeological excavations and exhibited in museums. Examination of excavated artifacts from ancient periods with gemological research methods allows archaeominerologic and archaeogemologic analyses to be performed. For all these analyses, gemology laboratory tools are utilized that do not inflict any damage to the artifacts. This in turn enables us to determine precisely where and which type of rocks in the region are used as building stones and which are ornamental stones in the region. In the light of all these, in recent years, in the field of archeology, it is evident that it is only possible to obtain accurate information about the archeologic period from the artifacts and data obtained from the excavation sites through the analysis conducted with both of these disciplines.


Archeology, Geoarcheology, Archaeogemology, Archeometry
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