Yazar : Laçin AKYIL
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2017
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.2.19
Sayı : 2
Tarih : 2017-06-21 13:08:15


Propaganda is defined as the use of different tools by a group in order to influence public opinion and identify a concept. Cinema, on the other hand, emerges as a tool used by states to influence their own peoples in the direction of certain ideas. Because cinema has a great advantage in reaching massive masses, it also has an important influence in terms of adopting ideas, ideologies and people with the ability to offer entertainment. Cinema is an economic production and is also defined as cinema, political and economic production process. Propaganda's use of cinema as a tool began in the 1800's, but the most intense use of the cinema for propaganda has been from the First World War. At that time, the literacy rate was so low that it increased the usability of the cinema as propaganda tool in propaganda vehicles. Cinema was used to inform the people during the war periods, to remove the people from their daily troubles and to legitimize the lands occupied by the states in the eyes of the people. The propaganda cinema, which plays an important role in interstate relations, determines the determinants of the issues in Soviet and Nazi cinema, while in the Third Cinema revolutionary anti-colonial movements in Latin America or African countries are determinant. Despite the fact that Nazi Cinema, Soviet Cinema and the Third Cinema have lost the update today, Hollywood Cinema continues to announce American culture to the whole world. This article will highlight the importance of Nazi Cinema, Soviet Cinema, Third Cinema and Hollywood Cinema, all of which played a dominant role in international relations, which marked the history of world propaganda cinema.


Propaganda Cinema, Nazi Cinema, Soviet Cinema, Hollywood Cinema, Third Cinema.
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