Yazar : Hüseyin Uzuntaş - Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tarık YAZAR
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2017
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.2.17
Sayı : 2
Tarih : 2017-07-27 18:51:23
In the course of the historical process, the visual expression of the logo designs differed according to period, but the basic function, identity and summarizing personality traits never changed. Communication channels in our world are increasing and diversifying day by day depending on technological developments. As a result, the increasing message intensity requires information to be presented in an understandable, comprehensible and engaging manner. There is no doubt that logos is also affected by this visual change in which human beings lived. Logo formats are static in traditional representation systems, and this structure is protected by various rules. The dynamic logos that emerges as a result of visual, technological and cultural developments is a new form of expression other than the usual representation systems. Dynamic logos, a visual tool compatible with multimedia applications, can be animated with short animations on internet sites, and these applications can be reflected in the traditional media by the designers. Static logos are a recommended solution for media before multimedia applications are used. Therefore, the visual rules that apply to printed materials are subject to considerable changes in the digital environment. The dynamic logos found in a new detection proposal can respond to the needs of today's information technologies. Dynamic logos informs of a new period. Our visual perception in this period where our life is surrounded by technology and the internet has changed as fast as ever. Individuals, who are in search of a new image, are becoming insensitive to static imagery at the present time. For this reason, designers must develop reflexes in accordance with this fact.
The main aim of this study is to determine the criteria of emblem / logo designs made in the context of new trends in order to better represent the institutions and organizations in line with the requirements of our age and to explain what kind of differences between emblem / logo designs and other emblem / logo designs made in the context of new trends. Emblem / Logo designs made in the context of new trends have been researched, and examining with examples and analyzing.
Digital Epoch, Logo design, Logo design trends, Emblem/Logo.