Yazar : Nevin ENGİN
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2019
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.7.77
Sayı : 7
Dönem : 4.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2018-07-04 13:40:05
Perception of a work of art usually begins with the influence of the colors in it and continues with its composition analysis. In this respect, the role of the colors used in the work for creating the first impression is great. In art education, in terms of delivering an effective message in the works of the students, color education is undoubtedly crucial as well as teaching a successful composition. Color education usually starts at the Basic arts education workshop in the first grade and continues in the painting workshop classes in the following years. In addition to conducting color education in parallel with theoretical and practical applications, different studies can be developed in order to make students aware of the place of colors in their own lives. In this study, the effect of the final task in color course on Erciyes University Fine Arts Faculty Painting Department on the awareness of color of second grade students was investigated. For the final project of Color classes given 3 hours a week theoretically, each student prepares and shows in the classroom environment one two dimensional and one three dimensional work and one example of performance or video art, which reflect the thoughts or feelings of student about the color. Often the most intensively focused is performance presentation (live or video), which reflects the place and importance of colors in students' lives. Students make their own assessments of what the role of color plays in their lives and how important it is, when making their final conclusions. In this study were given examples from some of the presentations made in Color class, and the effect of such an application on students' awareness about color and their performance in workshops of painting department was questioned.
Color, Awareness, Art education, Performance art, Video art