Yazar : Aşkın BAHADIR - Cemile Arzu AYTEKİN
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2019
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.7.73
Sayı : 7
Dönem : 4.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2019-04-20 19:40:30
Postmodern concept is a concept that emerged primarily in philosophical and architectural fields in the 1960s. This concept influenced all fields of art after its emergence with its fields of architecture and philosophy. With the emergence of postmodernism and social and cultural changes, the concept of postmodernity has emerged. Along with postmodernity, modernity has begun to be criticized in all respects, as well as criticism from the intellectual point of view and the daily life practices of individuals have been criticized.
In the postmodern period after 1960, artists turned to individualism. These individuality artists have led to their self-life story (autobiography) in their conceptual-based work and The artists presented the works of art to the audience with their works. It is necessary to know the autobiographies presented by the artists in order to read them more accurately.
The concept of deconstruction suggests an image in which all parts of an object appear. Derrida argues that the best way to understand something is to deconstruct that thing. In addition, Derrida claims that texts contain many meanings, whether words or images. When creating a work of art, the applied wiping, smashing and shredding process are perceived as deconstructive. Postmodern sanatta birçok eserde ele alınan kavramsal temelli eserlerde, eserin dilbilimsel ve parçalanmış terimler açısından içeriği bakımından silinen eserler yeni bir alan oluşturur.
In the research, it is aimed to present the autobiographical works which are formed by autobiographical memories in postmodern period after 1960, and which are deconstructed in accordence with the theory of deconstruction known about the life formal and contextual aspects of life and are chosen as autobiographically selected works as reconstruction based on the related literature. In the research, it was revealed that the artists produced works in the context of the deconstruction theory of Derrida in order to deal with their past in the works produced by the artists in the postmodern art based on their own self-life stories. In order to be able to read the postmodern autobiographical works more accurately, it is found that as well as Derrida's theory of deconstruction, artists' self-life stories are known, and it is important for the audience to interpret the work of art correctly.
Autobiography, Deconstruction, Postmodernity, Postmodern Art