Yazar : Özlem Tekdemir Dökeroğlu
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2019
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.7.80
Sayı : 7
Dönem : 4.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2019-05-18 14:00:06


The word "pain", which describes a spiritual and existential distortion outside the meaning of physical pain, is a phenomenon that becomes visible in the works of artists after the events that have great effects such as disease, war, genocide, which have left their mark on human history. The losses of humanity, which come face to face with individual losses, spiritual interrogations, betrayal, injustice, torture, exile and similar events brought on by human beings, are the sources of these artworks. The sense of pain that will be tried to be analyzed in Käthe Kolwitz and her works is the basic motive of this research. Käthe Kollwitz was born in 1867 in Germany. The artist, who has to deal with many difficulties, pain and suffering throughout his life, is an expression of these vital returns and emotions. The artist, who produces her works with many different techniques such as painting, sculpture, lithography, wood printing and engraving, deals with the troublesome and dark aspects of life such as wars, working class, poverty, helplessness, illness and death. Obviously, these works, which are created by the effects of the difficult experiences, are reflections of the artist's life and the character shaped accordingly. In her works, which she presents with realistic depictions, existential interrogations and traces of the pessimistic world of emotions are revealed mostly with expressionist effects. Kollwitz's work, which avoids the use of color, is often dominated by a monochrome understanding. In this context, her works consist of simple and effective compositions in which black and white speaks in form and content. The general character of the works is determined by expression and composition based on figure. The artist depicts the human emotions, which she takes from a humanist point of view, with a sympathetic embrace of the viewer. These paintings, in which the effects of World War I and modernism were deeply felt, are the mirrors of the era Kollwitz witnessed. This research, which is about Kathe Kollwitz's connection with the concept of pain and its reflections on her works, is prepared to contribute to the field with original form and content analyzes on her works which are explained simultaneously with the flow of life of the artist.


Käthe Kollwitz, pain, painting, drawing, print picture
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