Yazar : Kevser GÜRCAN - Havva Meryem İMRE
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2019
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.7.76
Sayı : 7
Dönem : 4.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2019-05-27 09:05:43
Traditional techniques and materials have been converted into new forms in the hands of artists who had innovative perspectives, and the approach to different disciplines like sculpture and painting expanded the field of fiber art and increasingly volume-filling works began to appear in indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. This art branch, which is exceeding its borders with each passing day, has started to appear all in areas of the urban and rural areas, especially because of its nature-friendly character. The impact of emerging technologies to communicate with people and the enviroment of the fiber artist is developed. New approachs and new searchs has consisted of the basic fiber art. Fiber art with the different materials, techniques and combined with the fiber artist’s interpretation more closely with people and establishing and emotional bond has strengthened it is position in life. Aesthetic and fonctional movement are very important in to the fiber arts.
In this study, the usage of sewing techniques in fiber art works were determined by providing examples of the works of national and international artists who ensured the development and sustainability of this art field by using sewing techniques in their works. The origin of the fiber art was examined based on the archaeological findings in this field in terms of formation, techniques and materials used, and the movements, schools, artists, and their work, was investigated in this study.
Textile, Fiber Art, Design, Sewing Techniques, Material.