Author : Ayse IRI
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Temmuz 2020
Doi Number :
Number : 10
Term : 5.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Date : 2019-06-05 12:43:12


Culture is the accumulation of knowledge that includes individuals' understanding of art, knowledge, traditions, and skills. The culture, which allows a society to differentiate between communities and individuals’ integration with others within their own community, has an important place in the field of advertising. In a globalized competitive environment, it is possible to see that the concept of culture, which has become the focal point of marketing and advertising studies, holds an integrative effect on society in advertising activities. In the planning and realization of marketing activities, the determination of a number of marketing strategies according to the cultural characteristics of the consumers is a necessity in the name of the brand in the globalized competition field. Advertising campaigns created by taking into consideration the cultural differences of consumers provide the convenience of reaching the brand's goals. The aim of this study is to investigate the example of the cultural differences in advertising in the context of cultural dimensions of Hofstede through tea ads. Geert Hofstede has important studies on concepts of culture, his model of cultural dimensions, explained in this paper. In addition, semantic and thematic aspects of tea advertisements will be examined and how the fictions will be analyzed. In the research, basic principles and concepts of semiotics approach will be determined. Sampling on tea ads was created with the “select” method. The reason for choosing tea advertisements is that tea is a plant grown in Turkey and has a cultural effect as. However, tea is one of the most important elements of Turkish culture. It is considered that the study is important in terms of shedding light on the researchers who will conduct research on the relationship between culture and advertising.


Advertising, Culture, Marketing, Semiotic Analysis, Tea.
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