Author : Atlıhan Onat KARACALI
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Aralık 2021
Doi Number :
Number : 13
Term : 6.Cilt Kasım/Aralık Kış Dönemi
Date : 2021-07-22 15:26:19


Yalıboyu Houses are the examples of Traditional Turkish Houses, in the city of Amasya, Turkey. In order to understand the design decisions, first the concrete geographic and abstract sociocultural reasons behind must be evaluated. Like each architectural structure, Yalıboyu Houses are the result of the conditions they erected in. After this investigation, architectural details of these houses were examined. By evaluating the constructional and functional details via the mentioned reasons behind, a modern building was suggested. Aim of this study is to make the mentioned background design reasons of the Yalıboyu Hoses (scope) clear and suggesting a residence for modern river-cities. Methods of the study are literature review, evaluation, and suggestion, respectively.


Amasya, Yaliboyu Houses, Traditional Turkish House, Yesilirmak, conservation
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