Author : Zekiye Aslıhan ÖZTÜRK
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Aralık 2022
Doi Number :
Number : 15
Term : 7. Cilt Kasım/Aralık Kış Dönemi
Date : 2022-09-20 11:40:12


"Newton" by artist, poet and mystic William Blake, created in 1795 as a combination of the colour print and water colour techniques, is a work that has lost nothing of its impact owing to its strong form and meaning. In addition to its formal competence, this impact is also characterised by its criticism of one of the important, even unquestionable personalities of its time- Isaac Newton- by faithfully reflecting its author's outlook on science, art, and life in general. Setting out from Enlightenment Philosophy, which allowed a true enlightenment during the next century by sustaining the 17th century's passion for ceaseless research, the Enlightenment is a century of worldwide development. Through the scientific development and revolutions experienced during this era, especially the human being's place in the world or before God, and its individuality and rights were questioned to create the groundwork for a new world, and in this free environment art, philosophy and science found greater room for development. William Blake's work "Newton" emerges as an example of an original expression in terms of technique and use of symbols of the discussion between opposing ideas growing out of this intellectual wealth. The methods used are included in the study as literature review and art criticism. Rather than using all the steps of the art criticism method, this method was used when it was deemed necessary in the study of the work, and the argument was strengthened by examining the qualities of the work called Newton. The steps of art criticism method: identity information, form-expression analysis, determination of figures and subject, analysis of symbols and attributes, and analysis of style were deemed sufficient to show the artist's perspective on Isaac Newton in the general framework of the Age of Enlightenment. The desired result of the study is to reveal the differences between these two people, who embraced different ideas in the Age of Enlightenment, within the framework of the supporting elements and the resources reached in William Blake's Newton.


Enlightenment, Blake, Newton, revolution, symbol
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