Author : Lamia KENAN
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Ekim 2019
Doi Number :
Number : 8
Term : 4.Cilt Eylül/Ekim Sonbahar Dönemi
Date : 2019-09-11 13:04:51


The nature, scope, function, and purpose of art have been discussed since ancient times. With the modern age, the issue of the autonomy of art, the question of the use of art as any purpose or tool has unveiled again. The idea that art is only made for itself or serves itself can be assessed in two different contexts in terms of art as an inseparable part of the culture and public space since the beginning as the nature of art affects public space, and in return, it is also affected by the public realm. The aim of this study is to examine how some common forms of behavior in daily life can be changed by creative and participatory artistic and architectural studies against the fact that the individual cannot find himself or express himself freely in the city where the sensory needs in the public sphere cannot be thought independently of the physical needs. With a view supporting the idea that art is for society, the freedoms of the individual in the public sphere and the ways of seeking self-liberation are the main focus of this work while documenting various concrete examples that emphasize the functionality of art in the public sphere in different countries. In the United States, for example, projects designed by Michael Rakowitz, Krzysztof Wodiczko and Gregory Kloehn in the public sphere called Help The Homeless, another project that aims to change the daily routine behavioral patterns of children, young people and adults, as well as to bring joy and fun to a healthy life called Playful Spaces created by various artists from Sweden and the United States, and moreover for the purpose of encouragement, people created with some apparatus where users can charge their mobile phones or computers free of charge or even share and store data locally untapped by anyone called Miscellaneous Other Samples in the public domain.


Public sphere, art, functionality, assistance to the homeless, actor spaces, playful spaces, USA, Sweden, France
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