Author : Melis BAYAT - Ayşe Nuriye İŞGÖREN
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Temmuz 2023
Doi Number :
Number : 16
Term : 8. Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Date : 2023-06-23 08:43:12
When evaluated in terms of both Turkey and the world, tons of cutting wastes, also known as fabric wastes, occurs during textile production. One of the most basic needs of the people after food and shelter is the need for clothing. The textile and fashion industry, which produces ready-made clothing, should also take care of sustainable development by protecting the health of both nature and people and should continue to operate in this way. At this point, it is important for sustainability to ensure the recycling of textile wastes. Textile cutting wastes can be recycled and can be included in production in a sustainable way. In this study, a unisex clothing collection with sustainable features has been prepared from the fabrics obtained by separating, accumulating and recycling the cutting wastes in the black and white colored productions of Talu Tekstil Company with 100% cotton composition. With collaboration Gama Recycle Elyaf ve İplik A.Ş. sorted cutting wastes are collected and turned into recycling yarn again. In this transformation, 20% of the fiber obtained from the cuttings and 80% virgin cotton-containing raw fiber mixture were added to obtain Ne 20/1 fine ecru and gray mélange yarns. In addition to seven different main fabrics, ribs were also produced with these yarns. A unisex clothing collection was prepared with these fabric structures. Single jersey fabric, which is one of the fabric structures obtained, and traditional jersey fabric were tested in terms of some fastness properties and physical properties, and the quality of the recycled fabric was compared in terms of jersey fabric properties, and the quality differences were revealed.
Keywords :
Recycling, Single Jersey, Ready-to-Wear, Sustainability.