Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2021
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.159
Sayı : 12
Dönem : 6.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2021-07-05 12:41:00


The most significant component of a city is public spaces. Quality of space and life in these spaces is directly related to the time the urban dwellers spend at that public space. There is a tight relation between the spatial quality of urban spaces and urban space activities. What determines the activity is the urban and architectural characteristics of the space and human movement formed independently but correspondingly. Activities carried out in the public space are a determinant of the quality of time spent by the urban dweller in that space and have an impact on the use and value of use of the public space. Therefore, “Value of Public Space Use” has become a crucial issue for urban and architectural designers and all disciplines involved in the creation of a city, as well. Apart from the function, design, and spatial characteristics of the public space, activities carried out in these spaces and particularly, the intensity and variety of art activities play an important role in determining the value of public space use. In this study, it is aimed to determine the role of public art activities on the value of public space use by investigating their effect on the individual and the public. Within this scope, public spaces, the activities carried out in these spaces, and their place and importance within public space and urban life are addressed. Primary objective is to identify public art activities, how these activities take place, the processes of “sharing, participation, interaction” determining the relation of human-activity with public space, and how this situation affects the value of public space use. Within this context, the relation between art-society-city-public space and the role of art activities in determining the value of public space are tried to be presented by investigating different public art activities.

Keywords :

Public space, value of public space use, public space activities, public art activities, urban space quality.
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