Yazar : Berna KILIÇOĞLU
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Temmuz 2024
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.219
Sayı : 18
Dönem : 9. Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Tarih : 2023-11-05 16:58:51
In the early 1900s, some modern artists discovered and conceptualized collage as an artistic genre. With their experiments, artists have developed an attitude that opposes established ways of seeing and producing and have created a visual form by combining different elements to form a whole while preserving their singularity. While creating the composition, they were fed from a wide and unlimited source, from photographs to daily life objects, from illustrations to sketches, texts and newspaper clippings. The collage technique, which maintained its effectiveness as an analog practice during the years it emerged, has become widespread among artists, designers and various disciplines over time, and its purpose has enriched with the advancement of technology and continued to be produced and developed in digital environments. In the study conducted in this context, seven technology-based samples were determined. The determined samples were examined by literature review and descriptive analysis method. In the first part, a literature review was conducted on the established use of collage as an art technique in the historical process. Then, different types of practices produced in order to reveal how the technique has diversified and become widespread with today's media technologies are examined and the ways in which the design principles prevail in the composition are analyzed.
Keywords :
Collage Art, Digital Collage, Visual Design, Media Technologies, Discriptive Analysis