Author : Gülşah ÜNER - Ebru ERDOĞAN
Type : Özgün Makale
Printing Year : Temmuz 2021
Doi Number :
Number : 12
Term : 6.Cilt Haziran/Temmuz Yaz Dönemi
Date : 2020-12-29 00:21:40


Addressing the relationship between cinema and architecture from different perspectives is among the topics on the agenda recently. The concept of space is considered as a common element of both disciplines, while cinema uses space as an actor, architecture produces different representations of space. In this context, architecture and cinema are the most disciplines of art that make people feel and experience the feeling of outdoors-interiors. The interior space is an area that responds to the individual and social needs of the user, has a cultural and social character, and it is physically surrounded by the instinct to be protected. The furniture provides the shaping of the interiors is shaped according to the belief, culture and identity of the society. Therefore, furniture reflecting the characteristics of the era and the period can carry important findings from a historical point of view. In this study, the relationship between the furniture used in the spaces of the selected drama films (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968; 9 ½ Weeks, 1986; Love & Friendship, 2016) and the historical period of the story will be examined, and the relationship between film-space-furniture will be interpreted. The reflections of the architectural history process on the furniture used in the spaces of selected drama films will be read from a different perspective.

Keywords :

Furniture, Drama Films, Interior Design, Cinema, Architectural History.
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