
From The Editor in Chief

A letter from the Chief Editor

Esteemed fellows of the Arts and Sciences, the International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Art Jia Journal (IJIIA); first published in 2016, has completed its third year. Our journal has been included in various indexes within this period. In addition to this, it has been a part of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark since 2017.

                                                                                                                   Prof. Dr. Sibel KILIÇ


About The Journal

  • Journal of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Arts JIA JOURNAL (IJIIA) is a non-profit international peer-reviewed journal.
  • The Journal is published twice annually and may have special issues under necessary circumstances.
  • The journal accepts articles in Turkish, English, French, German and Russian and offers the possibility of publication for articles in other languages if approved by the publishing board.
  • The journal covers the mutual interactions of all art disciplines and all social and positive science disciplines (all social science disciplines such as Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Ethnography and Mathematics and Life Sciences) in relation with arts. In this context, the art and science disciplines related to the content of the journal are as follows:
    • Visual/Plastic Arts and Design: Visual Communication Design, Graphic Design, Artistic Print, Pictorial Art, Sculpture, Industrial Design, Fashion Design, Jewelry and Ornament Design, Architectural Decoration, Interior Architecture, Restoration, Caricature, Cartoon, Animation, Illustration, Ceramic and Glass, Textile, Photography
    • Traditional Turkish Arts: (Tezhip) Illumination, (Ebru) Marbling, Miniature, Tile, Calligraphy, Lake, Kat’ı, Kalemisi, Carpeting/ Rugging, Jewelry, Mother of Pearl Inlaying, Metal Work, Wood Work, Stone Work, Leather Work,  Glass Work, Book Binding.
    • Auditory Arts: Music, Opera
    • Performing Arts: Theatre, Cinema, Opera, Dance, Ballet, Folklore
    • Literary Arts: Literature, Poetry, Folkloric Culture, Playwrighting, Art of Rhetorics
    • Art History, Art Theories: Turkish Art History, World Art History, History of Islamic Arts,    History of Architecture,  History of Music, Mythology, Sociology of Arts, Philosophy of Arts, Arts Education, Arts Management, Archaeology, Museology, Numismatics, Aesthetics, Urban Aesthetics, Urban Planning, Landscaping, Musicology, Dramaturgy,  Behavioural Aesthetics
    • Positive Science Disciplines in Relation and Interaction with Art Disciplines: Mathematics, Medicine, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Space Sciences, Astrology, Tourism, History, Geography, Economy, Anthropology, Cultural History, Environmental Engineering, The History of Culture and İdeas , History of Religions Humanities, Architecture, Archaeology, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Behavioural Sciences, Communications, Multimedia, Social Media Advertisement and Brands (NLP) Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Gemmology, Metallurgy, Seismology, Geology, Philology, Gastronomy, Graphology.
  •                About relation of the arts to the positive sciences which have been mentioned;Although, sciences and arts have been mostly described in traditional cultural theory as of being independent from each other in terms of their structure and theory, both disciplines present a mutual significant existence within the structures of each other. Because, sciences and arts, as of illustrating a strong interaction in terms of process of action in order to yield a saturated and holistic output to form the foundations of each other, appear as phenomena which complement each other. So, as well as both these homologous phenomena illustrating a helical character in terms of “artistic dimension of the knowledge” and “scientific dimension of the arts” they also illustrate adverse features by being completely independent fields from each other which then ultimately display catalyst to a complimentary structure to foster each other.Based on the mentioned attribution, Journal of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Arts directs attention by questioning the privileged domination of science over reality and objectivity which should not be assumed independent of the meticulous, creative, observant, perplex criteria and spectrum of the arts. In parallels with this idea, in this journal, art has been questioned within its autonomous structure and as well as this, its structure based on immune and sublimate thoughts also has been questioned. At the point of destination, spiral characteristics between science, which can be defined as an “immanent fact”, and arts defined as “transcendent” has been endeavored to illustrate the highly interactive and holistic structure of art.
  • Content: All studies as categorized below including research in the fields of interdisciplinary and intercultural arts will be evaluated for publication;
    • Authentic Articles,
    • Compilations,
    • Critiques,
    • Research Abstracts,
    • Book Reviews


This journal, with its academic infrastructure based on methods of research, observation, analysis, interpretation and comparison, aims to;

  • Provide the national and international realms of arts with qualified articles;
  • Earn a pioneer identity with its thematic ground based on intercultural interactions along with arts, social and positive science disciplines;
  • Present a National Identity of Turkish Arts with approaches and evaluations based on synthesis and contribute to the recognition of Turkish arts within the international realm of arts;
  • Support the proliferation of scientific studies based on interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives and the mutual communication of academic experts and newly rising researchers;
  • Reveal the mutual and inter-complementary qualifications of arts and sciences through authentic studies which stress the interactions between arts and positive sciences;
  • Enable the mutual rapprochement and interaction of different cultures through studies based on intercultural themes of arts;
  • To provide necessary grounds for interdisciplinary aspects and evaluations in applied arts activities and to put forward artistic outputs and to enrich the material and thematic repertories of arts;
  • To enrich the scientific literature by dealing with intact areas and subjects through intercultural perspectives and to provide the grounds and origins to prepare book scale studies for researchers with new perspectives;
  • To contribute to the equipping of artistic productions with interdisciplinary and global visions;
  • To enrich the visions and aspects of new and young researchers by serving as a model of perspective and aspect;
  • To coin new terminological concepts in arts through multi-disciplinary and intercultural perspectives;
  • To contribute to the enrichment of the artistic language and expression;
  • To contribute the researchers and academics in departing from limited areas of research and repetitions of subjects within arts and in writing authentic articles;
  • To contribute to the self-development of artistic visions and perspectives of researchers and academics by orienting them towards interactive evaluations and analysis;
  • To provide not only researchers but also individuals who share an interest towards arts with a new aspect on their comparative comprehension of arts;


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IJIIA Yeni İletişim Adresi Hakkında info.ijiia@gmail.com

IJIIA Yeni İletişim Adresi Hakkında info.ijiia@gmail.com

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21 February 2020 by Sibel KILIÇ
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25 April 2019 by Sibel KILIÇ
Our journal has been provided with an ISSN by the Turkisj Ministry of Culture. Our website will be updated in a short while. Journal ISSN: 2548-0634
4 January 2017 by Sibel KILIÇ
Yayınımıza Kültür Bakanlığı tarafından ISSN numarası verilmiştir.En kısa zamanda sayfamız güncellenecektir. ISSN NO:2548-0634
4 January 2017 by Sibel KILIÇ
Gelecek Yayın Dili!

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İkinci sayıdan itibaren sitemiz Türkçe,İngilizce,Almanca olmak üzer 3 dilde hizmet vermeye başlayacaktır. ...

20 December 2016 by Sibel KILIÇ
JIA JOURNAL Dergisi’nin Dil Seçenekleri

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Dergimiz ; Türkçe İngilizce, Almanca, Fransızca, Rusça olmak üzere  5 dilde yayın kabul etmektedir. ...

20 December 2016 by Sibel KILIÇ


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20 December 2016 by Sibel KILIÇ

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