Yazar : Tarık YAZAR - Yusuf AKPINAR
Türü : Özgün Makale
Baskı Yılı : Aralık 2022
Doi Number : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/ijiia.191
Sayı : 15
Dönem : 7. Cilt Kasım/Aralık Kış Dönemi
Tarih : 2022-11-26 19:31:28


Smartphones, which enable people to strengthen their interaction and communication network at national and international level, are widely used as an important device of mobile technology. Mobile applications, which have gained great importance since the period when devices such as smartphones and tablets began to be used in our daily lives, are software designed and coded according to field characteristics. These software are interactive digital interface designs that offer practical solutions to users on mobile devices. The fact that users can access mobile applications reliably whenever and wherever they want has enabled these applications to become widespread and their functions to increase day by day. Mobile applications are preferred because they can provide most of the opportunities that desktop applications provide. Although they have similar features with desktop applications in terms of design and software processes, they can differ in terms of content development environments, interface designs, technology used and device hardware. With the development of new media in today's technology world, effective advertising activities are carried out on social media platforms with smart phones and various applications are used in line with the needs. Apps; It can create an interaction between users through smartphones, tablets and computers. New trends and technological innovations have occurred in smartphones where interaction between individuals takes place. Some of these are user experience (UX), interface designs (UI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies that create interactive environments. In order for applications designed for mobile devices to be user-friendly, effective interface designs with easy access should be made. Interactive interface designs that can offer all the possibilities of technological innovations greatly affect the user experience. Therefore, in this study, interactive digital interface designs in mobile application technology, mobile operating systems, mobile applications, virtual universe and mobile applications are examined within the integrity of the subject and explanations are made to improve the quality of user interface designs. Within the framework of these explanations, a mobile application was designed for Samsun City Museum as an interactive digital interface design example and presented as a suggestion. With the mobile application, it is aimed to promote the Samsun City Museum effectively by increasing the number of visitors at national and international level in the virtual environment.

Keywords :

Mobile Application, Interactive Design, Digital Interface Design, Interaction Design, Samsun City Museum.
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